- December 2012, Our Review paper on Semiconductor and Plasmonic Photocatalysis for Selective Organic Reactions was accepted for publication on Current Organic Chemistry! Congrats Xiaoxin and Zhimin!
- December 2012, Our collaborative work with Prof. Souid’s groups was accepted for publication on International Journal of Nanomedicine! Congrats Rafael!
- December 2012, Sayantani Das started her Post-doctoral work at Max-Plank Institute in Germany. Good luck with your research there, Sayantani!
- December 2012, Our collaborative work on nanotoxicology was accepted for publication on ACS’s journal, Chemical Research in Toxicocology!
- December 2012, Teddy internal grant application for International Collaborative Research with Prof. Edson Leite’s group in Brazil was approved.
- November 2012, Our work was accepted for publication on Chemical Communications! Congrats Xiaoxin, Rafael and Xiaoxi!
- November 2012, CONGRATULATIONS to Rafael for receiving the prestigious Reid Award from the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Rutgers University. This award is given for outstanding achievements in graduate research.
- October 2012, Yuying Meng is joining our group from South China University of Technology (SCUT) as a new graduate student to pursue her two year-long PhD study. Welcome Yuying!
- October 2012, Our work on bifunctional nanocatalysis was accepted for publication on ChemCatChem. Congrats to Sayantani, Ananda and Murali!
- September 2012, Sayantani Das successfully defended her PhD thesis! Congrats Sayantani for job very well done and for your productive years in our group! We wish that your times in Germany will be as productive for you!
- September 2012, Yung Chan joined our group as a new graduate student. Yung comes from Hong Kong and she pursued her BSc at Rutgers. Welcome Yung!
- September 2012, Chengcheng Yan joined our group as an Honors Undergraduate Student from Jilin University under Rutgers-Jilin Exchange Program. Welcome Chengcheng!
- September 2012, Kanak Kuwelkar joined PhD program in MSE Department at Rutgers! Good luck Kanak with your studies
- September’ 2012, Professor Bhaskar Sathe has joined our group as a Fullbright Fellow from India. Welcome Bhaskar.
- August 2012, our book and book chapters on “Nanocatalysis: Synthesis and Applications”, Edited by Vivek Polshettiwar and Tewodros Asefa, were submitted to Wiley‐Blackwell John Wiley & Sons, Inc. for Publication. This book will be the first of its kind in nanocatalysis and covers a wide range of topics on synthesis and characterization of various nanocatalysts and their applications in many areas including renewable energy, synthesis of commodity chemicals, environmental remediation, industruial materials, and biotransformations.
- August 2012, Our Review Paper (Asefa and Tao) got accepted for publication on Canadian Journal of Chemistry.
- August 2012, Professor Vitor Almeida has joined our group as a Visiting Professor from Brazil. Welcome Vitor!
- July 2012, Our Invited Major Review Paper (Asefa and Tao) got accepted for publication on ACS’s journal, Chemical Research in Toxicology. The paper gives readers comprehensive review on the biocompatibility of mesoprous silica nanoparticles, a topic that is of contemporary interest for many researchers worldwide.
- June 2012, Teddy gave an invited talk at the American Ceramics Society (ACerS) and NSF-DMR Workshop for PIs in Washington DC.
- June 2012, Our paper with Bob Niederman’s and Dunbar Birnie’s group got accepted for publication on the journal Photochemstry and Photobiology.
- June 2012, Teddy gave a talk and attended a meeting at Ohio State University as part of a Rutgers delegate of the Tripartite Research meeting between Rutgers University / Ohio State University / University of Sao Paulo (Brazil).
- May 2012, Teddy was awarded the Board of Trustees Research Fellowships, the highest honor given to young professors at Rutgers for Scholarly Excellence. The award was awarded by Rutgers University President Richard L. McCormick on May 2nd, 2012. http://sas.rutgers.edu/news-a-events/feature-archive/1282-sixteen-sas-faculty-honored-by-president-in-awards-ceremonyesearch-and-scholarship
- May 2012, Our work with Prof. Abdul-Kader Souid’s group was accepted for publication on International Journal of Nanomedicine.
- May 2012, Tiffany Sun joined as a summer undergraduate student. Welcome Tiffany!
- May 2012, Our joint paper with prof. Jing Li’s group (Rutgers) on novel 2-D MOF materials and their catalysis for oxidation reactions was accepted for publication on Chemical Communications.
- May 2012, Teddy gave an Invited Talk at Catalysis Club of Philadelphia in Wilmington Delaware.
- Teddy visited Beijing, China and Changchun/Jilin, China and gave two talks at the State Key Lab for Inorganic and Preparative Chemistry (Jilin University) and the State Key Lab for Rare Earth Materials Chemistry and Applications.
- May 2012, Our paper on Au nanoparticles-catalyzed alkane oxidation reaction was accepted for publication on Applied Catalysis A: General.
- April 2012, Our paper on novel graphite nanoneedles and their electrocatlytic activities was accepted for publication on Angewandte Chemie.
- May 2012, Teddy gave an Invited Talk at the 42nd Organic Catalysis Research Symposium in Annapolis, Maryland.
- March 2012, Our paper on nanoporous silica-supported high surface area polyaniline and their high catalytic activities for electooxidation reactions for publication on Advanced Materials.
- March 2012, Dr. Anandarup Goswami joined as a Postdoctoral Fellow from the Rutgers University (PostDoc) and Cornell University (PhD). Welcome Ananda!
- February 2012, Our paper on core-shell-shell nanocatalysts for styrene epooxidation reactions was accepted for publication on Topics in Catalysis.
- February 2012, Teddy served on a review panel for NSF in Washington, DC
- January 2012, Dr. Xiaoxin Zou joined as a Postdoctoral Fellow from the University of California at Riverside (PostDoc) and Jilin University (PhD). Welcome Xiaoxin!
- January 2012, Dr. Eun Woo Shin joined as a Visiting Professor from University of Ulsan, South Korea. Welcome Eun Woo!
- December 2011, Teddy’s invited highlight paper on carbon nanomaterials was accepted for publication on Angewandte Chemie.
- November 2011, Our paper on silica-dendrimer core-shell nanospheres and their properties as heterogeneous nanocatalysts was accepted for publication on Langmuir.
- November 2011, Teddy was awarded a research fellowship from Rutgers to investigate the rational design and synthesis of novel nanomaterials and catalysts for CO2 reduction to fuels.
- November 2011, Kanak Kuwelkar and Chi-han(Helen) Huang joined Asefa lab as graduate students.
- November 2011, Teddy gave a special Plenary Lecture on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology at ChemShow in Javis Center in New York City.
- October 2011, Xioaxi Huang joined Asefa lab as graduate students. Xiaoxi comes from School of Pharmacy at Peking University.
- September 2011, Yanfei's paper got accepted for publication on Wiley's journal, ChemSusChem. Congrats Yanfei and Ankush!
- August 2011, Teddy is awarded a new NSF Grant from NSF's Environmental Health and Safety of Nanotechnology (NanoEHS) Program of the Chemical, Environmental, Bioengineering and Transport Systems (CBET) Division, 2011- 2014.
- August 2011, Saquib's got a great job at Intel. Big congrats Saquib!
- August 2011, Saquib's paper got accepted on ACS's journal, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. Congrats Saquib!
- July 2011, Saquib's paper got accepted on Wiley's journal, Advanced Energy Materials. Congrats Saquib!
- June 2011, Teddy presented at the American Chemical Society (ACS) 85th ACS Colloids and Surface Science Symposium 2011 in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
- May 2011, Teddy is recognized with a prestigious National Science Foundation (NSF) Special Creativity Award. Congratulations Teddy! This Award is given only for those scientists who have a proven history of producing excellent research results and is provided as a supplemental grant to those outstanding scientists already conducting NSF-funded research. This award is initiated by program officers at NSF and is offered to the most creative investigators as an opportunity to attack adventurous, "high-risk" opportunities in the same general research area, but not necessarily covered by the original/current proposal.
- May 2011, Krishna's paper got accepted on Wiley's European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. Congrats Krishna, Ankush and Sayantani!
- May 2011, Rachit got inducted into Sigma Xi membership, an honors society for professional engineers. Congrats Rachit!
- May 2011, Coles paper got accepted on American Chemical Society's journal, ACS Catalysis. Congrats Cole and Ankush!
- May 2011, Rachit got Summer Internships at Targacept, North Carolina to work on pharmaceutical materials engineering. Congrats Rachit!
- May 2011, Teddy will be presenting at the American Chemical Society (ACS) 85th ACS Colloids and Surface Science Symposium 2011 in Montreal, Quebec, Canada in Summer 2011.
- May 2011, Teddy will be a member of the Advisory Board and presenter at the International Nanoporous Materials Conference in Banff, Alberta, Canada in Summer 2011.
- March 2011, Teddy was appointed as a Vice-President of Sigma Xi Rutgers Chapter, a chapter for Faculty and Professional Engineers.
- March 2011, Tahia Haque has joined our lab to work on research related projects and work. Welcome Tahia!
- March 2011, Yanfei secured an excellent job at China Petroleum and Petrochemical Engineering Research Institute (CPPEI) in Beijing, China. Congrats Yanei on a well-deserving position at a great place in Beijing, China!
- March 2011, Teddy was appointed as a Vice-President of Sigma Xi Rutgers Chapter, a chapter for Faculty and Professional Engineers
- February 2011, Stephanie got accepted into Johns Hopkins Nursing School, which is ranked #1 nationally in nursing. Congrats Stephanie! - March 2011, Our third joint paper with Prof. Abdul-Kader Souid's group was published on Toxicological Sciences!
- March 2011, Our book proposal on "Nanocatalysis: Synthesis and Applications" for Wiley-VCH was accepted. Teddy and his colleague, Dr. Vivek Polshettiwar from KAUST will co-edit this book. Teddy and his students will co-author several chapters as well.
- March 2011, Teddy gave an invited Keynote Talk at the Omega Chi Epsilon, the American honor society for chemical engineering students, induction at Rutgers.
- March 2011, Sayantani's Full Paper was accepted for publication American Chemical Society's journal, ACS Catalysis. Congrats Sayantani!
- March 2011, Ankush won a third-best poster award for his poster presentation on gold nanocatalysts for oxidation reactions.
- March 2011, the major Spring Annual Catalysis Society of Metropolitan New York (CSMNY), the local chapter of the North Catalysis Society, that Teddy was in charge of along with CSMNY successfully took place at Rutgers with over 100 attendees from universities in the north east and many industries around NJ area.
- February 2011, Teddy has accepted the invitation to write a review paper on "Nanotoxicology" for the American Chemical Societys journal, Chemical Research in Toxicology. Teddy is working with Dr. Zhimin Tao to make this contribution.
- February 2011, Stephanie got accepted into graduate school. Congrats Stephanie!
- February 2011, Teddy was invited to be one of the Invited Speakers at the major International Symposium, NanoDDS'11, Nanomedicine and Drug Delivery Symposium in Salt Lake City, Utah, in Fall 2011.
- January 2011, Rachit Jain joined as a new graduate student to work in our group. Welcome, Rachit!
- January 2011, Vidyalakshmi Muthukumar joined as a new graduate student to work in our group. Welcome, Vidya!
- December 2011, Dr. Jafar Al-Sharab started to work with us on our various research projects. Jafar has an expertise on EELS, high-resolution TEM, and all kinds of microscopy/spectroscopy. Great to have you as our co-worker, Jafar!
- December 2010, Dr. Zhimin Tao came from Stanford / Tsinghua to spend three months and work with us on our nano-bio works. Good to have you again, Zhimin!
- December 2010, Teddy attended and gave an oral talk at Pacifichem in Honolulu, Hawaii.
- November 2010, Teddy along with Prof. Chuck Dismukes hosted Professor Mike Wasielewski from Northwestern University for a special seminar.
- November 2010, Our paper with Abdul-Kader Souid group was published on ACSs journal, Chemical Research in Toxicology.
- November 2010, Ankushs and Krishnas paper was accepted for publication on Applied Catalysis A: Chemical. Congrats Ankush and Krishna!
- October 2010, Teddy hosted Professor Richard Crooks from the University of Texas at Austin for an invited colloquium.
- September 2010, Yesha Kathrani, Dhara Patel and Nicholas Pasquale joined our group as new undergraduate students. Welcome Yesha, Dhara, and Nick!
- September 2010, Rafael da Silva, joined our group as a new graduate student and a Fulbright Fellow from Chemistry Department. Welcome Rafael!
- September 2010, Teddy served on a panel for the US Environmental Protection Agency.
- September 2010, Teddy gave an invited poster presentation at NSF Ceramic Materials Principal Investigator Workshop at the National Science Foundation, Washington, DC.
- September 2010, Dr. Cole Duncan joined the prestigious Franklin Pierce Law at UNH to study patent law. Congrats Cole!
- August 2010, Cole Duncan successfully defended his PhD thesis. Congrats Cole for becoming Dr. Duncan!
- August 2010, Teddy gave an oral presentation at the Rutgers Governors School.
- July 2010, Teddy is chosen by the National Science Foundation as one of the ten NSF-DMR American Competitiveness and Innovation (ACI) fellows. According to NSF, this merit-based award and grant is given to selected researchers in the US to be able to (a) continue to conduct research that is likely to be transformative and potentially of high impact and (b) continue to demonstrate outstanding and often unique broader impacts in terms of diversity.
- July 2010, Cole Duncan paper was accepted for publication on Chemistry of Materials as a Full Paper. Congratulations Cole !!!
- July 2010, Yanfei's paper was accepted for publication on the Journal of Materials Chemistry as a Full Paper. Congratulations Yanfei !!!
- July 2010, Our joint paper with Prof. Marina Petrukhina and Prof. Evgeny Dikarev was accepted for publication as a Full Paper on ChemCatChem.
- June 2010, Peter Lobaccaro joint as a Summer Undergraduate Student from the University of Notre Dame. Peter is currently working a joint project between our group and Prof. Charles Dismukes group. Peter has expertise on nanomaterials and solar cell work while working in the reputable Prashant Kamat;s lab at Notre Dame.
- June 2010, Dr. Krishna Sharma (PhD graduate with Asefa) has been offered a Post-Doctoral position at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) with Professor Yuriy Roman. Congratulations Krishna!
- June 2010, Teddy served on a panel for the US Environmental Protection Agency.
- June 2010, Teddy hosted Professor Karl Seff from University of Hawaii to give a Catalysis Seminar at Rutgers.
- June 2010, Teddy has completed the work of the new Rutgers Catalysis Research Center web-site (http://catalysis/rutgers.edu) and is currently directing the activities of the center.
- May 2010, Teddy's Nature paper with Geoff Ozin and Mark MacLachlan (Nature, 1999) has garnered citations of over 800.
- May 2010, Teddy hosted Professor Weckhuysen from Utrecht University, the Netherlands to give a Catalysis Seminar at Rutgers.
- May 2010, Amy Otuonye was accepted to work in the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) at the National Institute of Health in Bethesda, Maryland. Congratulations Amy!
- May 2010, Teddy's abstract as invited talk was accepted for presentation at Pacifichem in Honolulu, Hawaii.
- May 2010, Yanfei's paper was accepted for publication on Chemistry - A European Journal as a Full Paper. Congratulations Yanfei, Ankush, Cole, Krishna, and Gang.
- April 2010, Elisabeth Wondimu was accepted into graduate program at Cornell University. Congratulations Elisabeth on a well-deserved position!
- April 2010, Teddy hosted Professor Andy Bocarsly Princeton University to give a Catalysis Seminar at Rutgers.
- March 2010, Teddy hosted Professor Marco Castaldi from Columbia University to give a Catalysis Seminar at Rutgers.
- March 2010, Teddy served on a panel for the US National Science Foundation.
- February 2010, Asefa was appointed as an Interim Director of the newly formed Rutgers Catalysis Research Center (RCRC), which Asefa was key in putting together: http://catalysis.rutgers.edu
- February 2010, Krishna has successfully defended his PhD thesis. Congratulations Krishna!
- January 2010, Teddy's proposal which he helped putting together for acquiring a solid state NMR spectrometer for Rutgers and New Jersey was funded by the National Science Foundation.
- January 2010, Asefa was invited to give a lecture at New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT).
- January 2010, Asefa was invited to give a lecture at City College, City University of New York in New York City.
- December 2009, Zhimin's paper was accepted for publication on Langmuir. Congratulations Zhimin!
- December 2009, Zhimin's paper was accepted for publication on ACS Nano. Congratulations Zhimin!
- December 2010, Sarvana Kumar started working in our group. Sarvana has an MSC degree from IIT and University of North Dakota. Sarvana will work on joint projects between Asefa's lab and Professor Alan Goldman's lab at Rutgers. Welcome Saravana!
- December 2009, Yanfei's paper was accepted for publication on Langmuir. Congratulations Yanfei!
- December 2010, Saquib Ahmed started working in our lab as a joint graduate student with Prof. Dunbar Birnie's group in Materials Science and Engineering Department. Saquib has obtained his BSc dgree at Columbia University and has also worked as a research fellow at University of Pennsylvania. Welcome Saquib!
- December 2009, Archana's paper was accepted for publication on ChemCatChem. The same paper will also appear as invited article on a special issue of ChemCatChem in September 2010. Congratulations Archana!
- November 2009, Our paper on Analyst became the top accessed article on Analyst for 6 months in a row. Congratulations Cole and Krishna again for co-authoring this important paper!
- October 2009, Stephanie Hayes and Mukund Patel started working in our research group. Welcome Stephanie and Mukund!
- October 2009, Asefa was invited to give a lecture at Fairleigh Dickinson University (NJ) and Rutgers at Newark (NJ).
- September 2009, Our paper appeared as a Special Critical Review on RSC's journal, Analyst. Congratulations Cole and Krishna for co-authoring the paper!
- September 2009, Krishna's and Ankush's paper was accepted for publication on ChemCatChem. Congratulations Krishna and Ankush!
- August 2009, Asefa Research Group has moved from Syracuse and is relocated at Rutgers University at New Brunswick with Asefa getting a joint Associate Professorship appointment in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology and the Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering. Asefa was also offered to be a member of the Institute for Materials, Devices and Nanotechnology (IAMDN) and the Rutgers Energy Institute (REI).
- June 2009, Cole's and Stephanie's paper was accepted for publication on ChemCatChem. Congratulations Cole and Stephanie!
- June 2009, Elisabeth Wondimu joined our lab as a Summer Undergraduate Student to conduct research on development of nanomaterials for catalysis and drug delivery Elisabeth comes from Manhattanville College, NY. Welcome Elisabeth !
- May 2009, Richard's paper was accepted for publication on Mater. Lett. Congratulations Richard!
- May 2009, Zhimin's and Gang's paper was accepted for publication on Langmuir. Congratulations Zhimin and Gang!
- April 2009, Amy won the Exceptional Performance in Undergraduate Research award from Chemistry Department, SU. Congratulations Amy !!
- April 2009, Amy graduated successfully with her BSc degree. Congratulations Amy !!
- April 2009, Our proposal for beam-time at Cornell Synchrotron Facility has been accepted for a third time.
- April 2009, Amy has won an Exceptional Performance a Senior in Undergraduate Research Award by the Department of Chemistry, SU.
- April 2009, Our paper on detailed studies of functionalized nanoporous catalysts for aldol reaction was accepted for publication on the Journal of Catalysis.
- March 2009, Our new Agilent GC instrument has been installed.
- March 2009, Our paper on the development of functionalized nanomaterials for drug adsorption and release was accepted for publication on the Journal of Solid State Chemistry. Congratulations Gang, Amy, Libby, and Kelley !
- February 2009, Asefa and Amy and their work were featured on Capstone Magazine.
- February 2009, Asefa was invited to publish an Invited Comprehensive Review Article on "Metal Oxide Based Nanosensors and Biosensors" on the journal Sensors. http://www.mdpi.com/journal/sensors/special_issues/metal_oxide_based_nanosensors.
- February 2009, Asefa served as an External Ph.D. examiner at the van 't Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences at the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands along with Prof. Bert Chandler of Trinity College (TX) and Prof. Dr. Gadi Rothenberg of the University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- February 2009, Dr. Ankush Biradar has joined our group as a postdoctoral Fellow. Ankush did his PhD in the Catalysis Division at the National Chemical Laboratory (NCL) in Pune, India and then worked as a researcher for several months at the Leibniz Institute for Catalysis at University of Rostock, Berlin. Ankush has extensive research experience in homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis. Welcome Ankush !
- February 2009, we have also welcomed Ms. Archana Biradar, who has joined our group as a Research Assistant. Archana has an MSc degree studying in Biotransformation and DNA extraction at the National Chemical Laboratory (NCL) in Pune, India. Archana is currently working in the development of novel bionanocatalysts by enzyme immobilization in nanostructured materials and studying several biocatalytic transformations. Welcome Archana !
- January 2009, Asefa was invited to publish an Invited Review Article on "Nanostructured Sensors and Biosensors" on the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) journal Analyst.
- Our book on "Functionalized Nanoporous and Mesoporous Heterogeneous Catalysts - New Synthetic Strategies and Applications" has been Published as Chapter 2 on: https://www.novapublishers.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=7821
- January 2009, Rob was accepted in the Dental School at the University of Maryland, College Park, MD. Congratulations Rob and Good Luck with your studies!
- December 2009, Asefa was invited to chair an Inorganic Nanomaterials session at the upcoming American Chemical Society (ACS) Spring Meeting in Salt Lake City, Utah in March 2009.
- December 2009, Asefa was invited to present at 13th ISCBC International Conference on Interplay of Chemical and Biological Sciences: Impact on Health and Environment on in Delhi University, Delhi, India in February 2009.
- November 2008, Asefa attended the New York State Academy of Science Galla in New York City along with Chancellor Nancy Cantor and Prof. Jon Zubieta (Chair, Department of Chemistry).
- November 2008, Cassidy Henneman, Ridhima Oberai, and Zhao Zhang have joined our group and started their research as undergraduate researchers. Welcome Cassidy, Chao and Ridhima !
- October 2008, Asefa was invited to present at the International Conference on Multifunctional, Hybrid and Nanomaterials - Hybrid Materials 2009 in Tours, France in March 2009.
- October 2008, Asefa gave an Invited Lecture on "Multifunctional Nanomaterials: New Synthetic Strategies and Potential Applications" at GoNano, the Geoffrey Ozin Symposium, along with Prof. George Whitesides iof Harvard Univ., Prof. Chad Mirkin of Northwestern Univ., Prof. Younan Xia of Washington Univ. in St. Louis, and Prof. Robert Whetton of Georgia Tech, at the University of Toronto, Canada.
- Sept. 2008, Krishnas and Rob's paper was accepted on Langmuir as a full article. Congratulations Krishna and Rob!
- Sept. 2008, our paper on corrugated nanospheres and their use for construction of biosensors was accepted for publication on the Journal of Materials Chemistry.
- Sept. 2008, Dr. Yanfei Wang has joined our group as a postdoctoral Fellow. Yanfei did his PhD at Jilin University, China, and has a year-long postdoctoral experience at the University of California at Merced. Yanfei will bring expertise on synthesis and of shaped quantum dot and spectroscopy. Welcome Yanfei !
- Sept. 2008, Asefa was invited to give a talk at the Food Research Laboratory at Cornell University on Food Nanotechnology.
- July 2008, Asefa was invited to serve as an External Ph.D. examiner at the van 't Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences at the University of Amsterdam.
- July 2008, Abhishek's, Krishna's and Raji's paper has been accepted on Catalysis Letters. Congratulations Abhishek, Raji and Krishna !!
- July 2008, Asefa was invited to serve on an EPA panel !
- June 2008, David Brown, Luke (Muzhi) Liu, Nikki Batista, and Staphanie Flitsch have joined Asefa Lab as REU and iLearn Exchange students in Summer 2008. Welcome Dave, Luke, Nikki, and Stephanie!
- June 2008, Asefa received a second NSF grant from the Division of Materials Research (NSF-DMR) at the National Science Foundation to develop new nanostructured and nanoporous ceramic materials.
- May 2008, Asefa served as a reviewer for the Journal of the American Chemical Society, book reviews of Bio-inorganic Hybrid Nanomaterials: Strategies, Synthesis, Characterization and Applications Edited by Eduardo Ruiz-Hitzky, IKatsuhiko Ariga, and Yuri Lvov Wiley-VCH, 2008.
- March 2008, Abhishek's and Krishna's paper was accepted on the Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical. Congratulations Abhishek and Krishna !
- March. 2008, Krisha was offered a summer internships at Proctor & Gamble. Congratulations Krishna !
- March 2008, Amy Otuonye (Asefa's Undergraduate student) will be presenting at Harvard Medical on her work in Asefa lab in March 2008.
- March 2008, Asefa will be chairing and presenting in sessions in Inorganic / Materials Chemistry and Colloid Chemistry at the ACS National meeting in New Orleans.
- February 2008, Asefa's group work was highlighted on the journal Chemtracts - Inorganic Chemistry
- February 2008, Cole's, Krishna's and Abhishek's paper with Zhimin Tao, Jerry Goodisman, and Abdul Souidi was published on Nano Letters. Congratulations Cole, Krishna and Abhishek!
- February 2008, Asefa was invited to serve on a Panel in Bonn, Germany.
- January 2008, - Asefa was invited to present in the ACS conference in Colloid Chemistry in North Carolina in June 2008.
- January 2008, Asefa's group work was published as invited chapter. "Efficient and Selective Nanoporous Catalysts by Placing Multiple Site-Isolated Functional Groups on Mesoporous Materials" In "Nanoporous Materials" (A. Sayari and M. Jaroniec, eds.), World Scientific Publ. Co., Singapore, 2008, pp. 497-508.
- January 2008, Asefa was invited to serve on a Panel in Washington D.C.
- Dec. 2007, Asefa was invited by Wiley-VCH to write a chapter on a Book "Non Magnetic Bi-Metallic and Metal Oxide Nanomaterials for Life Sciences" to be published by Wiley-VCH, Volume 3, 2008.
- Nov. 2007, Asefa was invited by Nova Publishers to write a chapter on a Book "Heterogeneous Catalysis Research Progress", Nova Publishers, New York, 2008.
- Dec. 2007, Our Full paper on "Nanoporous Catalysts.." by Krishna, Abhishek and Rob was accepted on JACS. Congratulations Krishna, Abhishek and Rob!
- Dec. 2007, Yan-Li's Langmuir paper (2007) became the top most accessed articles in 2007. Yan-Li is a postdoc fellow in Asefa's lab.
- Dec. 2007, Asefa's ISI total citations made it over 1400.
- Dec. 2007, Amy Otuonye, Asefa's Undergraduate student, was nominated to give an oral research presentation at Harvard Medical on her work in Asefa lab. Nov. 2007, Asefa's CAREER Award was renewed.
- Nov. 2007, Asefa served as a Panelist for Department of Energy and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in Washington, DC.
- Nov. 2007, Asefa was invited to give a SUPA (Syracuse University Project Advance) lecture to Downstate NY high school teachers in New York City.
- Oct. 2007, Asefa was invited to chair a session in Inorganic / Materials Chemistry for a second time at the ACS National meeting in New Orleans in Spring 2008.
- Oct. 2007, Asefa was invited to give a SUPA (Syracuse University Project Advance) lecture to Upstate NY high school teachers in Syracuse.
- Sept. 2007, Asefa was awarded a second Syracuse CARTI Grant with Prof. Eric Schiff (Physics Department, SU) and Anthony Terrinoni (Antek, Inc.).
- Sept. 2007, Rob Buckley, Undergraduate student in Asefa's Lab was featured in Chemistry Department site. Link: http://www-che.syr.edu/undergraduate/overview.html
- Sept. 2007, Asefa participated in Gordon Research Conference in Solid-State Chemistry in Oxford, England
- July 2007, Asefa, Yanli, Krishna and Abhishek have filed three patents with Syracuse University.
- June 2007, Asefa's CARTI award was featured with others on the news. http://sunews.syr.edu/story_details.cfm?id=4179
- May 2007, Asefa was awarded a Syracuse CARTI Grant with Prof. Jim Dabrowiak.
- April 2007, Asefa was selected as among a few Panelist to give lectures on Accelerate 2007. http://www.tdo.org/Accelerate2007/Presenters/
- Marc. 2007, Asefa was featured on NYSTAR news. http://www.nystar.state.ny.us/nl/archives2007/centralA03-07.htm
- Feb. 2007, Asefa and his CAREER Award were featured on Syracuse University News: http://sunews.syr.edu/story_details.cfm?id=3826
- Jan. 2007, Abhihsek, Youwei, Gang and Cole joined our group as new graduate students
- Dec. 2006, Asefa was awarded CAREER Award Dec. 2006.
- Sept 2006, Asefa served as a Panelist for Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in Washington, DC.
- Sept 2006, Libby Blair, Asefas undergraduate student was awarded with a Birge Award, SU. Great job Libby !