Our Mission

The departmental x-ray diffraction facility at CCB is dedicated to the collection and analysis of high-quality x-ray diffraction data of materials of interest to the faculty and their collaborators. The physical forms of these materials include single- or poly- crystalline (powder) solids, liquid crystals, polymers (and bio-polymers), and deposits on substrates, mixtures and composites having good or poor crystallinity.

Our Services

Analyses include molecular and crystal structure determination (single-crystal or powder),finding lattice parameters, phase identification, percent crystallinity, crystal perfection (rocking curves), residual stress or texture analysis, orientation of crystallite planes and bulk crystal orientation for very large (1 – 30 mm) or very thin (<50 nm) single crystals.

The users of the x-ray facility (including trained students and technicians) are in complete compliance with radiation safety (NJ and Rutgers) and all applicable NJ state laws, and are trained on-site by the lab manager.

Our Rates

X-Ray User Type              

Billing Rate*                   

See applicable rate in QReserve See applicable rate in QReserve

*The billing rates are for the following systems and are subject to change.

Our Instruments

synergy sRigaku XTALab Synergy-S Single Crystal Diffractometer, room B205
Dual micro-focus source (Cu or Mo)
. HyPix-6000HE area detector (hybrid photon counting)
. Kappa 4-circle goniometer
. Oxford Cryostream 800 cooling/heating
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Philips XPert SystemPhilips XPERT Powder Diffractometer, room B205
Mini proportional counter detector
. Sealed-tube Cu anode
. Graphite monochromator
. Programmable receiving slit
. 15-sample changer; sample spinner
. Fixed sample; Bragg-Brentano geometry
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Bruker GADDS with Vantec500 Area DetectorBruker GADDS with Vantec500 Area Detector, room 193 W/R
. Sensitive CMOS area detector
. High-brilliance rotating Cu anode
. Near parallel mirror optics
. He beam path available
. 3-Circle orientation of large or small samples
                                                                            . Bruker KryoFlex cooling/heating   
                                                                                                Book Here


 Bruker Smart APEX SystemBruker Smart APEX Diffractometer, room 193 W/R
. CCD area detector
. Sealed tube Mo or Cu anode
. Graphite/Monocap optics
. Temperature range of -175 < T < 200 C
. 3-Circle orientation of samples
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Philips XPert SystemPhotonic Science Laue Crystal Orienter, room 193 W/R
Allows real-time crystal orientation down to 0.1 degrees accuracy
Delivers an intense X-ray beam with less than 0.3mm on sample
Collects a high resolution X-ray diffraction pattern from the single crystal out of which the right crystallographic plane cut can be selected with excellent accuracy
Python based software allowing remote access control from existing software / system using socket commands
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Philips XPert SystemPhilips PW2404 Wavelength-Dispersive XRF Spectrometer, room 193 W/R
. Automated magazine of up to seven 12-sample trays
Rh anode with 4 Kw of power, 5 analyzer crystals
Three detectors: xenon sealing, scintillation, and gas flow
Prepared fusions and pressed powder samples
For elements with an atomic mass greater than 5 (boron)
Measures concentrations as low as 1ppm and as high as 100%
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Bruker D8 Quest Eco Diffractometer
Bruker D8 Quest Eco Diffractometer, room B205
. Photon II area detector
 Sealed tube Mo anode, micro-filament, air-cooled
 Goebel mirror optics
Oxford Cryostream 800 cooling/heating
 3-Circle orientation of samples
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Bruker D2 Phaser

Bruker D2 Phaser LE-T, room B205

• LYNXEYE XE-T detector, 1D or 0D modes
• Sealed-tube Cu anode, air-cooled
• Ni foil additional monochromation
• Single sample holder with phi-axis spinner
• Fixed sample; Bragg-Brentano geometry
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