Our Mission
The departmental x-ray diffraction facility at CCB is dedicated to the collection and analysis of high-quality x-ray diffraction data of materials of interest to the faculty and their collaborators. The physical forms of these materials include single- or poly- crystalline (powder) solids, liquid crystals, polymers (and bio-polymers), and deposits on substrates, mixtures and composites having good or poor crystallinity.
Our Services
Analyses include molecular and crystal structure determination (single-crystal or powder),finding lattice parameters, phase identification, percent crystallinity, crystal perfection (rocking curves), residual stress or texture analysis, orientation of crystallite planes and bulk crystal orientation for very large (1 – 30 mm) or very thin (<50 nm) single crystals.
The users of the x-ray facility (including trained students and technicians) are in complete compliance with radiation safety (NJ and Rutgers) and all applicable NJ state laws, and are trained on-site by the lab manager.
Our Rates
X-Ray User Type |
Billing Rate* |
See applicable rate in QReserve | See applicable rate in QReserve |
*The billing rates are for the following systems and are subject to change.
Our Instruments
Rigaku XTALab Synergy-S Single Crystal Diffractometer, room B205
. Dual micro-focus source (Cu or Mo)
. HyPix-6000HE area detector (hybrid photon counting)
. Kappa 4-circle goniometer
. Oxford Cryostream 800 cooling/heating
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Philips XPERT Powder Diffractometer, room B205
. Mini proportional counter detector
. Sealed-tube Cu anode
. Graphite monochromator
. Programmable receiving slit
. 15-sample changer; sample spinner
. Fixed sample; Bragg-Brentano geometry
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Bruker GADDS with Vantec500 Area Detector, room 193 W/R
. Sensitive CMOS area detector
. High-brilliance rotating Cu anode
. Near parallel mirror optics
. He beam path available
. 3-Circle orientation of large or small samples
. Bruker KryoFlex cooling/heating
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Bruker Smart APEX Diffractometer, room 193 W/R
. CCD area detector
. Sealed tube Mo or Cu anode
. Graphite/Monocap optics
. Temperature range of -175 < T < 200 C
. 3-Circle orientation of samples
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Photonic Science Laue Crystal Orienter, room 193 W/R
. Allows real-time crystal orientation down to 0.1 degrees accuracy
. Delivers an intense X-ray beam with less than 0.3mm on sample
. Collects a high resolution X-ray diffraction pattern from the single crystal out of which the right crystallographic plane cut can be selected with excellent accuracy
. Python based software allowing remote access control from existing software / system using socket commands
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Philips PW2404 Wavelength-Dispersive XRF Spectrometer, room 193 W/R
. Automated magazine of up to seven 12-sample trays
. Rh anode with 4 Kw of power, 5 analyzer crystals
. Three detectors: xenon sealing, scintillation, and gas flow
. Prepared fusions and pressed powder samples
. For elements with an atomic mass greater than 5 (boron)
. Measures concentrations as low as 1ppm and as high as 100%
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Bruker D8 Quest Eco Diffractometer, room B205
. Photon II area detector
. Sealed tube Mo anode, micro-filament, air-cooled
. Goebel mirror optics
. Oxford Cryostream 800 cooling/heating
. 3-Circle orientation of samples
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Bruker D2 Phaser LE-T, room B205
• LYNXEYE XE-T detector, 1D or 0D modes
• Sealed-tube Cu anode, air-cooled
• Ni foil additional monochromation
• Single sample holder with phi-axis spinner
• Fixed sample; Bragg-Brentano geometry
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